Terms of Sale

Last updated on July 8th, 2022

These Terms of Sale are incorporated by reference to the Terms and Conditions of CREATURE ROULETTE. They shall govern all orders by you of access to Additional Content. Regardless of terminology used, Additional Content represents limited license rights governed solely under these Terms of Sale, as described below, have no real value, and are not transferable or redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value from CREATURE ROULETTE at any time.

Within certain Services, CREATURE ROULETTE may make available to You Additional Content materials which can be used to maximize Your experience within the website.

All such digital materials, including without limitation, visibility boosts, features, effects, customization elements and any other elements which CREATURE ROULETTE may make available to you in a Service are referred to as "Additional Content".

Availability and Use of Additional Content

You understand that CREATURE ROULETTE may, at its sole discretion, determine and change the availability of the Additional Content, on a Service per Service basis. As applicable, Additional Content may also be obtained free-of charge in certain Services. You agree that CREATURE ROULETTE has the absolute right to reduce, manage, regulate, control, modify and/or eliminate Additional Content, as it sees fit in its sole discretion, and that CREATURE ROULETTE will have no liability to you based on its exercise of such rights. All Additional Content may, in CREATURE ROULETTE's sole discretion, be terminated and forfeited, and/or may have an expiration date.

Grant of License

At the time You have completed Your order of Additional Content, as applicable, or otherwise when You acquire this, CREATURE ROULETTE grants You a personal, private, non-commercial, revocable and limited license to access Additional Content, only within the applicable Service(s). You have completed Your order at the time CREATURE ROULETTE receives confirmation of Your payment from CREATURE ROULETTE's payment service provider.

The term of such license starts when You have completed the order of Additional Content, or, as applicable, when You access such Additional Content; and ends the day when Your access to the Additional Content is suspended, terminated or expired.

You agree that you have no right, title or property interest into any content that appear in the Services, including without limitation, any Additional Content, whether earned through Your use of the Services or ordered by You from CREATURE ROULETTE, or any other attributes associated with Your Account or stored on the Services.

Except where the Service allows a transfer and/or exchange by way of a specific feature within the Service, You shall not transfer or otherwise exchange the Additional Content within the Service to other users. CREATURE ROULETTE prohibits and does not recognize any purported transfers of Additional Content effectuated outside the Services. Accordingly, in no event shall You transfer, sell, or otherwise exchange in kind (nor attempt to do the same) Additional Content for "real" money, or outside of the Service. Failure to comply with this provision constitutes a material breach of these Terms of Sale and CREATURE ROULETTE's Terms, and may result in the termination of Your account, as specified in the Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to any other claims for damages or losses, or other remedies available to CREATURE ROULETTE. You understand that CREATURE ROULETTE may withdraw from Your account without prejudice, at any time and without prior notice, any additional content obtained outside of the service or by any means that violate these Terms of Sale or CREATURE ROULETTE's Terms and Conditions.


The cost of Your Additional Content does not include the Internet connection fees or other communication fees (including but not limited mobile providers' and/or carriers' costs) required to access the Additional Content or other products of the Service, which shall be exclusively borne by You.

CREATURE ROULETTE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the price of the Additional Content. You will be informed of these changes by viewing the new price applied to the Additional Content on the website of the Service(s). Such new price will be applicable to You only for Your next order of Additional Content.

Information concerning Your orders within a Service may be available on secure web pages of Your Account and/or pursuant to a confirmation e-mail sent to You after Your order is completed.

Your order may include value added tax and/or any other sales taxes. You are responsible for paying all costs incurred, including applicable sales taxes associated with Your order. Failure by CREATURE ROULETTE to invoice You for any applicable sales taxes does not relieve You of the responsibility to pay such taxes, and CREATURE ROULETTE may require You to pay such applicable sales taxes in connection with Your order(s) on the Service.

Payment Solutions

CREATURE ROULETTE offers a payment option which is managed by third-party payment and billing provider for which additional terms and costs may apply. Please review such additional terms and costs carefully. You may also be required to create an account with such third-party provider. You agree that CREATURE ROULETTE may, at its sole discretion and without further notice, determine and change the availability of certain payment solutions, from time to time, on a Service per Service basis, without any liability to You.

You must provide CREATURE ROULETTE with accurate, complete and up-to-date payment information. When you place an order for Additional Content from CREATURE ROULETTE's Service(s), CREATURE ROULETTE, or the relevant third party service, may send you a confirmatory communication (via e-mail, push notification, text message or otherwise) that will contain details of the items you have ordered. Please check that details in the confirmatory communication are correct as soon as possible and maintain a copy of it for your records. CREATURE ROULETTE keeps records of transactions in order to deal with any subsequent queries, however is not responsible for any communications lost or misplaced by You. CREATURE ROULETTE does not store any credit or debit card information.

You understand that any and all fees associated with your Additional Content are payable in advance, at the time of your order of your Additional Content and not refundable when paid, in whole or in part.

You must pay for all orders made by You in connection with Your Account, including orders made by Your family or Your friends, or any other person on Your Account whether authorized by You or not. You are responsible for any use made of Your Account and for all orders and payments made and costs incurred on Your Account. You agree to inform CREATURE ROULETTE, by contacting customer support for the Service, as quickly as possible of any unauthorized use of Your Account, password or other information concerning Your Account or of any other security violation concerning or involving the Services which comes to your attention.

Generally, the Additional Content shall be made available to You upon completion of Your order.

You understand that not using your Additional Content do not entitle you to claim or receive any refund.

Additional Content has no real value

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in these Terms of Sale or the Terms and Conditions, Additional Content or any other terminology used to describe such, have no monetary or "real world" value and may in no event be exchanged or redeemed for "real" currency or in kind.

CREATURE ROULETTE prohibits and does not recognize the purported sale, gift or trade in the "real world" of anything that appears or originates in the Services. Accordingly, You may not sell or transfer Additional Content by any means, nor buy such Additional Content for any purposes other than for their use in the Service(s). Failure to comply with this Article constitutes a material breach of CREATURE ROULETTE'S Terms and Conditions and may result in the termination of Your Account as specified in the Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to any other claims for damages or losses by CREATURE ROULETTE, or other remedies available.

Cooling-off period

CREATURE ROULETTE follows French law that states that consumers have 14 (fourteen) days to demand a refund in respect of digital services.

Please note that if You ask for a refund, any Additional Content You may have had access during the cooling-off period will become unavailable. CREATURE ROULETTE reserves the right to delete any part of the generated content affected by the purchase.

Cancellation, Suspension

CREATURE ROULETTE may, at its own discretion and without any prior notice, cancel or suspend Your access to Additional Content, in the event You do not comply with the Terms of Sale herein or with the Terms and Conditions or for any other reason with or without cause.

You understand that CREATURE ROULETTE may withdraw from Your Account, without prejudice, at any time and without prior notice, Additional Content obtained outside of the Service or by any means that violate these Terms of Sale or CREATURE ROULETTE's Terms and Conditions.

You may terminate Your Account to a particular Service or Services at any time, automatically and without any judicial formality, by contacting CREATURE ROULETTE's customer service in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms of Sale, you may not use the Services and you must send CREATURE ROULETTE a request to terminate Your Account.

Subject to compliance with the termination procedure indicated above, the termination of Your Account will come into force within a reasonable period of time after receipt of your request by CREATURE ROULETTE.

You acknowledge that CREATURE ROULETTE is not required to provide a refund for any reason, and that you will not receive money or other conpensation for unused Additional Content if you had an account closed, whether such closure was voluntary or involuntary. CREATURE ROULETTE reserves the right to recover the costs, supplements and charges incurred before the cancellation of Your Account to a particular Service or Services.

Termination of Additional Content

As applicable, CREATURE ROULETTE may discontinue providing Additional Content for the Service(s), at its sole discretion, at any time and without any liability to You. In this event, CREATURE ROULETTE will give a 30 (thirty) day prior notice before the termination of Additional Content on the website.

Revision of Terms of Sale

CREATURE ROULETTE reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete the clauses of these Terms of Sale and other notices contained on the CREATURE ROULETTE Services, at any time, temporarily or permanently and entirely at its own discretion. CREATURE ROULETTE will inform you of any change, modification, addition or deletion to these Terms of Sale by posting new Terms of Sale on the website, and by posting a notification informing the user of the occurrence of the change, modification, addition or deletion. Any change, modification, addition or deletion will come into force five (5) working days after the publication of said notification. If you do not agree to the changes made to these Terms, you may close Your Account.

You therefore undertake to check any modifications regularly and to comply with them fully. Any use of the Services subsequent to updates and/or modifications implies acceptance of the Terms of Sale thus updated and modified.