Adding Your Creature

Want your artwork to be displayed on CREATURE ROULETTE?

Simply send your request via e-mail to contact (at) doctorfou (dot) com

The first 20 artists to send a creature will have a super encounter rate boost for free.
Your request must contain:

  • The name of the creature
  • Your creature design within 1000x1000 px, in PNG format and with transparent background
  • The creature's background dominant color reference
  • A small description with no more than 256 characters - This is optional
  • Your designer name for credits
  • Your portfolio website for credits
  • A signed copy of the permission document

If your request is accepted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and your creature will start appearing on the website within a 30 days delay. It will be displayed in the website's homepage with a certain probability rate which may vary depending on the actions of the users. The creature will also be available in a specific URL containing your designer name.

Know that you retain all intellectual property rights to your work and may request its removal at any time, for any reason. Read CREATURE ROULETTE's Terms And Conditions for more details.